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Our Needs

New Worship Space

The new worship space will include:

  • A covered drop-off area to provide a safer, more accessible entrance.
  • A larger sacristy will enable our liturgical ministers, altar servers, priests, and deacon to more adequately prepare to celebrate Mass.
  • More ample and accessible parishioner and visitor seating for our regular Masses also will accommodate more seating at full Christmas and Easter Masses.
  • A larger and accessible altar platform will include a new main altar and a more suitable, central, and reverent back altar for our tabernacle.
  • A larger choir area will provide adequate room for our singers, musicians, and instruments.
  • Better acoustics will provide improved sound quality at holy liturgy services.

Larger and More Welcoming Gathering Space

Building the new church will enable our current worship space to be renovated into a larger and more welcoming gathering space that will include:

  • A communication center for distributing and displaying ongoing service, ministry, and upcoming activity and events information.
  • Comfortable, welcoming space adjacent to the church to gather, greet, congratulate, console, and get to know one another better after Masses, weddings, funerals and other sacred and special church celebrations.
  •  To serve as suitable overflow seating for especially busy Masses and as a place where parents can take their occasionally disruptive children and still be able to see, hear, and participate in our liturgies.

Problematic Debt

Our $144,804 annual loan payment on principal and interest equals more than half of the parish’s annual operating budget. This sizeable debt to be repaid has the potential to be disruptive, even destructive, to our parish if we don’t take aggressive steps to pay it down. Not significantly reducing the loan’s principal balance could ultimately lead to problematic program, personnel, and ministry budget cuts.