Our Plans
Our estimations are that these HVAC projects have the potential to save over $1.2 million over the next 20 years.
HVAC System Replacements, Updates, & Renovations
A comprehensive assessment of our campus HVAC systems recommended coordinated replacements, updates, and renovations for a reliable, integrated, parish campus solution.
Additionally, to be good stewards of our buildings, funds, and the environment, we want to upgrade our campus heating systems from steam heat to hydronic, or hot water. This plan allows for higher efficiency with redundancies that will prevent full outages and help create a more comfortable environment for parishioners, students, visitors, and staff.
St. Benedict Hall
- A new rooftop HVAC replacement will be installed with hot water heating units in every room. The VAV system also will be replaced to coordinate with the new rooftop unit.
- All the controls will be updated to enable efficient, effective, and coordinated management.
- A second hot water boiler will be installed to provide the capacity to supply central air conditioning and heating for St. Benedict, Meinrad, and St. Scholastica Halls.
Meinrad Hall
- A new rooftop HVAC unit and VAV system will be installed and its controls will be connected to the new BAS.
- Throughout the building, the steam radiators will be replaced and the window air conditioning units and all their condensation, moisture, and ventilation problems will be eliminated.
St. Scholastica Hall
- A new rooftop AHU will supply tempered, dehumidified air to each classroom and beautifully designed chases will be installed to route the ductwork.
- New HVAC units will be installed to serve the cafeteria, gymnasium, and auditorium. As needed, the new systems will be connected to the BAS for efficient management.
- A dedicated outside air unit will be installed to correct the kitchen venting problem.
Cathedral Building
Chiller $450,000
Everyone’s comfort in the church will be dramatically improved by a new, efficient, and effective chiller that includes a sound package to reduce noise. Additionally, this will reduce maintenance costs, work, and efficiency as the system will be connected to the BAS.
AHU $950,000
Updated AHUs, new air handlers, and high-efficiency, condensing boilers with modern controls will be installed.
Rear Mechanical Addition
- Installing a lift in the new addition will make the sanctuary ADA-compliant and, more importantly, make it welcoming to all guests, especially visiting priests. It will allow easy access to our beautiful church for everyone who wants to fully participate in the holy Eucharist.
- The rear addition will also include a new, convenient, ADA-compliant restroom.
- The addition's mechanical room will house the new AHUs and other mechanical and electrical equipment.

Building Changes & Improvements
Parish Center & Boiler Building
$50,000 Each
To provide our staff with adequate, efficient, and healthy accommodations we've planned the most cost effective option. The parish offices will be relocated to the office building that we own on the corner of the block and it will be renovated with fresh paint, flooring, and bathroom updates.
Once the offices are moved and the mechanical addition built, neither the current parish center nor the boiler building will be needed. Renovating these is not cost-effective, so both will be demolished to make room for the planned Ministry Center &
Gathering Space.
Ministry Center & Gathering Space
An exciting part of our plan is building a new, dedicated Ministry Center & Gathering Space in place of the current parish center and boiler building.
This new area will provide the convenient, large meeting and event space that we need. It will be a comfortable, convenient gathering area for Diocesan events, sacramental celebrations, and for parishioners to meet and greet each other and enjoy coffee and donuts after Masses.
Sacristy & Bride’s Room Renovation
The sacristy and bride’s room will be remodeled with up-to-date flooring and cabinetry, new paint, and other improvements to make it comfortable, welcoming, and functional.
Financial Improvement Plans
Debt Repayment $950,000
We plan to pay off our current $950,000 debt. Our debt had reached a high of $1.6 million, incurred from a pre-2014 debt of $600,000 that increased over time due to an inability to pay bills and keep up with operating expenses. It also includes property purchases, such as the corner doctor’s office, that we bought to accomplish our goal to acquire much of the property on the block.
Our current principal and interest costs are $13,000 per month or $156,000 a year.
Paying off our debt will allow us to redirect about $156,000 per year of savings toward services and ministries to benefit our church members and beyond.