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Giving Opportunities

These special giving opportunities, available to donors of qualifying gift amounts, show what we can do with various level gifts. With approval, these also provide the unique opportunity to dedicate a gift in honor or memory of a loved one.

Education Wing Improvements
New HVAC $300,000
Covered Drop-Off Area $250,000
New Boiler $150,000
New Elevator $150,000
New Daycare Entrance $100,000
Dedicated Daycare Playground $100,000
Fire Safety & Suppression System      $75,000
Upper-Level Restroom Improvements         $75,000
Corridor Access Barrier $25,000
Daycare Director’s Office $25,000
Worship Space Improvements
Covered Drop-Off Area $250,000
Expanded Entryway $100,000

The gift amounts listed do not necessarily reflect the actual cost of the opportunity listed. Rather, they approximate its cost and factor in its value, visibility, and prominence as well as our campaign needs and community gift abilities. Donors of these opportunities will have their names and the names of those they are honoring commemorated in a special way, as will all campaign gift donors.

Join Us

Whatever your gift or method of making it, please be assured that your support is urgently needed and will be greatly appreciated. Through the prayerful, volunteer, and financial support of many, and the extra-ordinary support of a few, our campaign will be a success.  Then our church's past accomplishments will only be a prologue to our even more promising and prosperous future.    
Please join us in this exciting and essential effort to better ourselves and our ability to serve God
and one another through the works of our church.