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Our multi-year plan will address our facility and capital improvements and provide valuable interim funding for program and personnel needs. Taking a multi-year approach will provide the time needed to bring our annual offering income up to a level where we can readily afford the personnel needed on an ongoing basis through our annual church operations budget.

Facility & Capital Improvements

Estimated Cost: $900,000

Parish Center

  • Roof Replacement. A new energy-efficient ballasted roofing system will be installed.
  • Window Refinishing, Repair & Replacement. New, cost and energy-efficient windows will be installed.
  • Exterior Tuckpointing. Tuckpointing will repair and replace all cracked and missing mortar between the bricks.

Church & Narthex

  • New Sound System. New audio components, switches and controls will improve sound quality by eliminating dead spots and unven sound projection.
  • Lighting System Upgrades. This two-part project will first install new energy efficient LED Church and Chapel lighting then a new computerized lighting control system. These will provide more uniform illumination and various lighting options.
  • HVAC System Upgrades. New cost- and energy-efficient east and west side HVAC systems will be installed.  
  • Church Entry Canopy Repair. The front entry’s wood canopy will undergo significant repairs and repainting.
  • Narthex Kitchen Door Frame Replacement. The Narthex kitchen’s metal door frame will be replaced for better energy efficiency and safety.
  • Expanded Security. The Administration Offices and Church perimeters will be added to our security camera system.
  • Future Church Infrastructure Projects. Our nearly 20-year-old new Church will soon need its roof, carpeting, paint, and furnishings replaced. We want to have funds available when that time comes. 

Church Office

  • Exterior Tuckpointing. Tuckpointing will repair and replace all cracked and missing mortar between the bricks.
  • Door Frame Replacement. The metal and glass door frame leading into the Church Office building will be replaced for better energy efficiency and safety.
  • Lower-Level Flooring Replacement.  New tile flooring will be installed in this multi-use meeting space.

Rectory Improvements
New HVAC System. A new, cost and energy- efficient system will be installed. 

Storage Building Improvements
Roof Replacement. A new roof will be installed on our outdoor furniture ministry and landscaping storage building.

Other Facility Improvements

  • Sidewalk Repairs. Our sidewalks will be repaired or replaced, where needed.
  • Bell Tower Repairs. The bell, base, and cross on top of our bell tower will be repaired.


  • New Tractor. We plan to trade in or sell our existing tractor and purchase a new more environmentally friendly tractor.  
  • New Power Lift. A new power lift will enable our maintenance staff to easily and safely access and maintain our facility’s ceilings and high areas.

Program & Personnel Improvements

Estimated Cost: $600,000

Budget for a Liturgical staff member to:

  • Coordinate, manage, and oversee our daily, weekend, and special occasion liturgies and the liturgical environment.  
  • Train and support our liturgical ministers.  
  • Help provide beautifully enriching and spiritually uplifting daily and weekend masses, as well as weddings, funerals,
    and other special liturgical celebrations. 

Budget for a Hospitality staff member to:

  • Coordinate, manage, and oversee hospitality, welcoming and social events for parishioners of all ages.
  • Foster and build a greater sense of belonging and unity within our established parish community.  
  • Open our doors to welcome the wider neighborhood.

We would like to have a coordinator dedicated to expanding our social media presence. This will keep parishioners better informed about parish activities and events and help make St. Mary of Vernon well known in the local community.

Faith Formation
A Director of Lifelong Faith Formation would be a new position responsible for assisting the Pastor to ensure everyone encounters Jesus Christ and deepens their commitment to Him and His Church. The role's scope will be to discern, design, and implement ongoing formation opportunities for everyone in the parish, but especially to better serve and minister to our underserved groups such as junior high students, young adults, and newly married couples.

We plan to expand our budget to hire a staff person to direct our stewardship activities. These include coordinating and conducting improved annual volunteer and financial stewardship efforts to sustain these new programs and personnel after initial funding from our planned campaign ends. In addition, they will focus on ongoing efforts to promote and secure major outright and legacy gifts to our church. These will help us improve our parish even further into the future as we come to understand that all we are and have are gifts from God.

As the Giver, God asks us to use and share our gifts generously with others who seek to do His will and works.