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Our Plans

Pay What We Owe

Archdiocesan Loan
$125,000 repayment of our Archdiocesan remodeling loan.

Paying this off will free these funds for other important uses such as:

  • Improving programming, ministries, and staff resources to better serve our members and a parish of our size. 
  • Building savings for emergencies and other needs like equipment maintenance, replacement, and repairs.
  • Support staff resources, where needed, and improve program offerings to better serve our members and a parish of our size
  • Balancing our ongoing operating budget with less worry and difficulty each year.

Archdiocesan To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign

$162,000 payment of our fair share of the Archdiocesan campaign.

These funds are used to support Catholic Education and Faith Formation through:

  • Scholarships for Catholic Education
  • Catechist Training
  • Religious Education
  • Help to Enhance Academic Excellence

Facility Improvements

Urgent Facility Maintenance

Replace Windows
We will replace the Old School Gym windows with more efficient materials.

Replace Old Convent Roof
It is in our best interest to ensure that we can rent this building for many years to come to fund many of our parish activities. We will replace this roof as soon as possible.

Replace Powerhouse Roof
To protect our equipment and continue to get income from renting the smokestack to AT&T, we will replace this roof.

Garden Wall Repairs & Improvements
We plan to reconstruct the wall and add a wrought iron style fence to allow people to view our beautiful garden and draw attention to the rectory.

Other Facility Improvements

Updated Entrance Flooring
Parish volunteers will repair and update the flooring in the 15th Street and 59th Court entrances with purchased materials.

Highlighting the Church Building

  • We plan to wrap the second story window panels with a “storefront system” that will display some kind of religious artwork and quotes to draw attention to the church building as a form of public art.
  • We will add backlit lettering on the building facing 15th Street facing and remove the accordion-style overhang above the 59th Court entrance.

Church Annex Remodeling

  • We plan to remodel our Annex to provide a better activity environment and to make it a welcoming place to have non-liturgical activities such as breakfasts after Sunday Masses.
  • The walls will be repainted, flooring replaced, and the walls between smaller rooms will be demolished to create a large gathering space.