Our Needs
Adding on to our existing church building a few years ago was a welcomed way to both honor our heritage and provide for our future. And, going into debt for the expansion at the time we did was wise because both construction and financing costs were extremely reasonable. Staying in debt, however, is not good stewardship because it is adversely affecting our ability to live up to our God-given potential.
2009 | Building on Our Faith capital campaign raised $2.5 million toward building a new church. |
2010 | After listening to member feedback, our plan changed to expanding our existing church. |
2014 |
2017 | Still Continue the Vision encouraged continued debt reduction gifts. |
2019 |
* Approximate amount |
Today, because of people’s generosity, our debt stands at just under $2 million. This is good news in many ways but is still difficult for us to manageably afford and pay. Because of this debt:
- We may have to reduce staff and parish programs, services, and ministries, which we’ve been reluctant to do up to this point.
- We cannot take advantage of opportunities like purchasing property adjacent to our campus for expanded parking or afford necessary ongoing and occasional maintenance issues.
- We cannot expand and better our existing programs, services, ministries and outreach, to do and be more as a parish, and to better do God’s will and works.