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Our Plans

To celebrate the centennial birthday and embark on the next century of worship and ministry here at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, we have assessed our facilities and prioritized the needs deemed critical. Based on these critical needs, we have explored many options and have assembled a thoroughly vetted plan to:

  • Effectively address major maintenance needs.
  • Ensure the comfort and safety of parishioners and visitors.
  • Protect and preserve the church and common buildings’ structural and architectural integrity.

Capital Improvements

Properly maintaining our church building is an important way to be good stewards of our facilities. Delaying necessary roof repairs can create serious, expensive consequences. While we have made isolated repairs to the roof over the years and dealt with interior issues of wood rot and plaster restoration, maintaining the integrity of the historic church in a more holistic way is our top priority.

Our plans will adhere to historic preservation guidelines to ensure a visible connection with our community’s history and culture.

Church Roof
 & Interior Repairs

Depending on the condition and functionality, all parts of the church's roof will be replaced or repaired as necessary.

  • The clay roofing tiles will be removed and undamaged tiles salvaged for reinstallation.
  • A new high-temperature roof underlayment and new wood stringers to properly anchor the roofing tiles will be installed.
  • Damaged glazed tile copings (edge sealant) will be matched and replaced.
  • Deteriorating sealant and mortar will be replaced.
  • Damaged or deteriorated wood decking will be replaced or repaired.
  • Insulation to add a slight slope will direct rainwater towards gutters and/or additional drains will be added.
  • Manufacturer-required flashing materials to prevent and redirect water will be installed.  
  • Existing scuppers will be enlarged and additional overflow scuppers or drains installed.
  • All damage caused by the leaking roof to the church interior will be repaired.

Lower Flat Roof, 
Skylight & Interior Repairs

The flat roof will be removed and replaced down to the wood deck.

  • Damaged and deteriorated wood decking will be replaced or repaired.
  • Tapered insulation to ensure positive and proper drainage will be installed.
  • Manufacturer-required flashing materials to prevent and redirect water will be installed.  
  • Existing scuppers will be enlarged, and additional overflow scuppers or drains installed.
  • The skylight assembly and expansion joint will be removed, refurbished, or replaced.
  • The brick’s mortar or joint caulk will be cleaned and any damaged replaced.
  • All damage caused by the leaking roof to the Commons interior will be repaired.

System Improvements

We are currently working with an architect and engineer to design an HVAC system that will fit into the spaces available, improve air quality and flow, reduce harmful environmental emissions, and reduce overall energy costs.

These firms will develop a set of bid specs, renderings, and designs to obtain city permits, and provide the necessary paperwork and specs so the project can be put out to bid.  They will also ensure all documentation is present and complete concerning the use of tax credits, which, if received, can reduce the costs associated with these projects.  

In turn, if the Challenge Goal is met, we will then be able to move forward with the following work to replace the aged and inefficient HVAC system serving the Sanctuary, kitchen, choir loft, Sacristy, Chapel, and all connecting hallways and closets.

  • Sanctuary Floor: Floor air grilles will be removed, the wood repaired to match, and the entire floor painted. Certain pews may need to be removed and reinstalled to facilitate this effort.
  • Sanctuary HVAC: The abandoned radiators encased below each stained glass window will be removed, HVAC units will be installed in their places in recessed boxes, and decorative, removable grills similar, if not identical, to the church’s original interior will be installed to cover them.
  • Sanctuary Fresh Air Duct: A new, fresh air duct will be discreetly installed within the south aisle’s existing ceiling truss space. It will be painted to blend with the ceiling and have no impact on the view of the altar.
  • Rooftop Enclosure: A rooftop enclosure, or doghouse, will be constructed on the flat roof for the new fresh air duct. One panel of the skylight will be made opaque to hide the equipment from the inside and outside, the doghouse will be constructed below the parapet to preserve sightlines. The enclosure will be enclosed in Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO), which is heated then cooled to harden and seal.
  • Sanctuary Air-Handlers: The air-handler units in the crawl space will be replaced with rooftop units. These will be hidden from view and include necessary structural reinforcements.
  • Electrical Updates: Necessary electrical system improvements needed by the new HVAC system will be done.   
  • Efficiency Improvements: An upgraded HVAC system will provide cooled, warmed, and well-circulated fresh air at higher efficiency, lower operating costs, and reduce negative environmental effects.
  • Choir & Kitchen HVAC: Air circulation will be improved in the choir loft and commercial kitchen. This will provide more comfort for our singers, musicians and Soup Kitchen volunteers as they serve our community.